Job, job, job...
Well, there is no such thing as perfect job...It usually seems that other people's jobs are easier and more fun, and most of all, MORE PAY! Nurses think that doctors have it easy (excuse me, doctors spent their entire adolescent life or even more than that in obtaining the diploma! ) Sales people would most likely think that their sales manager have it easy...Everyone starts thinking that everyone else's job is what happens? Well, eventually we discover there is no perfect job. Reason? Because people only pay us to do things they cannot do (take it as they lack the skill..haha) or they do not want to do. If there were to be no problems to be solved, will our job still exist? Well, if you do not like your work, you have 2 options-change your attitude or change your job? *shrug*
hahah... like what you said in the 2nd paragraph about the critics lacking the skills....
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